An Interactive Meeting with Dr. Jihad Haddad Tackling the Issue of Doping in Sports
- Posted by USAL
- Date July 6, 2021

As part of the ‘visiting guest’ program, the students of Sports Injury Preventing course welcomed on May 5th, 2020 Lebanon’s representative at the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), Dr. Jihad Haddad, to tackle the dangers of performance-enhancing drugs on practicing sports. The event was held in a remote interactive meeting, during which Dr. Haddad addressed the kinds of performance-enhancing drugs, the ways of uncovering the sportsperson who uses them, as well as the adopted international laws in this respect.
The meeting witnessed the students interacting as they pronounced their questions and inquiries by its end.
It was attended by the students registered for the aforementioned course, in addition to a group of Physical Education students interested in the issue. The total number of participants was 40.