The Students’ academic relation with the University starts at the Registrar’s Office, since it forms the link between them and the academic staff in the Faculty they wish to register for. It documents the students’ enrollment in the University, and provides them with graduation documents.
The Registrar’s Office is responsible for all registration processes (i.e. registration in the University or for the courses), Add/ Withdrawal procedures, credit equivalence, or any other processes that aim at organizing the students’ academic life during his study years at the University. It is also responsible for keeping documents and records of his academic life at the University, and it is considered the students’ main reference for inquiry about the University’s academic system and the relevant adopted procedures.
A student who wishes to register at the University for a bachelor’s degree in any of the faculties, he/ she shall:
- Be a holder of the Lebanese Official Baccalaureate or any equivalent.
- Passing a placement test in Arabic Language and one of two foreign languages (English or French), and in subjects specified by the faculty as per its registration conditions.
- Have met the acceptance standards set by the faculties as conditions to be enrolled in their programs.
- To register for the complementary courses requested by the Ministry if he/ she were a holder of the Technical Baccalaureate certificate.
- To register for the majors specified by the Ministry if he/ she were a holder of the Technical Baccalaureate certificate.
Students who wish to benefit from studying at USAL with no intention of gaining a bachelor’s degree may register as visiting or audit students in some courses.
Visiting students must abide to the regulations of the courses they registered for (attendance, exams and others), while audit students benefit from attending courses with no need to abide to these regulations.
To complete their registration, visiting and audit students shall:
- Complete the specified application form (available at the Registrar’s Office).
- Provide a single civil status record, or a photocopy of the ID or passport and two passport-sized photos.
- Submit the application and required documents to the Registrar’s Office within a specified period of time.
- Pay the application fees at the Accounting Office.
- Consult with the heads of departments to specify courses which are relevant to their academic or technical needs.
- Fill the registration application form set for courses and submit it to the Registrar’s Office in order to refer it to the head of department for approval.
- On approval, visit the Accounting Office to complete the financial agreement.
- Visit the Office of Information Technology to get their email addresses and accounts on the university systems.
- A student may add or drop courses during the Add/ Drop period without resulting in any financial or administrative procedures, conditioned that this action does not contradict with the maximum or minimum number of credits allowed in one semester.
- Dropping courses after the Add/ Drop period entails students for financial entitlements taking into consideration the period of dropout.
- Adding courses after the Add/ Drop period requires permission from the head of department.
- In order to add or drop courses, a student must fill a form at the Registrar’s Office, and refer to his/ her academic advisor.
Equivalence of University Credits
- New students who have successfully completed courses in universities recognized by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education may apply for equivalence of credits at the deanship of the faculty they wish to be enrolled in.
- Transfer students must fill the equivalence application and submit it to the Registrar’s Office with an endorsed photocopy of the grades’ transcript, in addition to the course description within a specified period of time.
Equivalence of TS Certificate
- Holders of TS certificate with an average of 12/20 may equalize their certificate with the correspondent majors at USAL in accordance with the decision no. 780 issued by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
- Holders of TS certificate must fill the equivalence application and submit it to the Registrar’s Office with an endorsed photocopy of the grades’ transcript, in addition to the course description within a specified period of time.
Students can change their Major within the same faculty or in another faculty. They may also change concentrations within the same program, provided that:
- The application submitted meets the requirements of acceptance in the program or major they wish to change to.
- The program or major the student wishes to register for has available seats.
In order to change their program, students must fill the corresponding application and submit it to the Registrar’s Office.
- Students may defer their studies for a period that does not exceed two consecutive semesters or three non-consecutive semesters during their study years.
- In order to postpone their studies, students shall:
- Fill the deferment form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office.
- Consult with their academic advisor.
- Return all borrowed books and tools.
- Refer to the Accounting Office for financial discharge.
- Students who do not apply for deferment, are considered to have withdrawn from the semester. Such semesters are to accounted from the maximum residency.
- Students who have withdrawn from the University may reactivate their record with the same number previous to their dropout, conditioned that they present any valid excuse approved by the Faculty Dean, and that the remaining period is enough for graduation during the allowed period for completing graduation requirements.
- To reactivate a record, a student shall:
- Fill the reactivation form and hand it to the Registrar’s Office within a specific period of time.
- Complete the registration procedures as per the application form.
- Students may file grievances should they consider grades of tests, projects or exams unfair.
- Grievances must be filed within a period of 1 week after the outcome of the exams or tests’ results.
- If a student wishes to file a grievance, he/ she must fill the application form at the Registrar’s Office within the specified period attached to the test or project in question.
- If a student wishes to file a grievance related to any midterm or final exam, he/ she must fill the grievance form at the Registrar’s Office within the specified period
- A student is academically withdrawn if he/ she exceeds the allowed number of absences in any course.
- In exceptional and specific cases, a student may return to the course if he/ she has an acceptable excuse, conditioned that he/ she apply a petition for the head of department directly after being withdrawn, and submit it attached to confirming documents.
- Should a student wish to withdraw from the entire semester, he must:
- Fill a postponement form and submit it to the Registrar’s Office after consulting with the Office of Student Affairs and the academic advisor.
- Consult the donor (if available) to inquire about the effect of withdrawal on the scholarship.
- Return all borrowed books and tools.
- Refer to the Accounting Office for financial discharge.
- Any student who withdraw from a semester entails him/ her for financial entitlements for the courses for which he/ she enrolled, taking the period of withdrawal into consideration.
Students who wish to withdraw from the University shall:
- Fill the withdrawal form and hand it to the Registrar’s Office.
- Consult with their academic advisor.
- Consult with the Office of Student Affairs.
- Return borrowed books and tools.
- Hand the University Card to the Registrar’s Office.
- Refer to the Accounting Office for financial discharge.
Students shall not be handed any documents related to their University file before completing the University withdrawal procedures.
Student Guide
Academic Rules and Procedures
Academic Rules and Procedures
Academic Calendar
Academic Calendar
To contact the Registrar’s Office, a student may:
- Personally attend at the Office during working hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.).
- Communicate by calling one of these phone numbers: 01/456103 – 01/456102 EXT: 191 – 130.
- Communicate by email address: registrar@usal.edu.lb