
The Office of Human Resources plays a sensitive and effective role in achieving the University’s strategic goals, since it is responsible for its human resources which are the infrastructure for progress and development.

This Office runs the operations which procures a distinguished staff having the necessary competence and expertise to achieve the University’s strategic goals, such as employment, evaluation and training. It is also responsible for managing affairs related to the University’s academic and administrative staffs, such as salaries, benefits and allowances, in addition to the organization of working hours and leaves.

The Office of Human Resources endeavors to help and assist all University employees in a manner that provides a positive environment that encourages production and distinction at work.

Statement Application

You may request a statement by filling the Statement Application Form at the Office of Human Resources, and send it to the Human Resources officer on the following email address (hr@usal.edu.lb), or to send a paper copy on the University’s internal mail. The statement shall be handed within a period of 3 days after filing the application.

Available Job Opportunities

For Application

  • Instruction Application Form
  • Employment Application Form

Contact Information

You may contact the Office of Human Resources by:

  • Calling the following numbers: 01/ 456102 – 01/ 456103 EXT: 501.
  • Sending an email to: hr@usal.edu.lb.