Media students visited Al Nour radio station
- Posted by USAL
- Date February 19, 2020

Students of Radio and TV Pre-Production at USAL visited Al Nour radio station under the supervision of their teacher Dr. Leila Shamsedine.
The students had a meeting with the general program director Hanan Husseini, during which they learned about Al Nour radio station, the different types of programs at the radio, in addition to the various information they received on the profession of pre-production and the challenges faced in the field of radio in the digital era.
In few hours, students were able to benefit greatly from the expertise of casters, directors, managers and staff of Al Nour radio. During this visit, students were introduced to the mechanisms of radio broadcasting on the digital media platforms, by Al Nour radio website administrator, Mr. Hadi Abdul Ghaffar, who also introduced students to the different sections at the radio, and gave then the chance to experience a live broadcast.
The visit was concluded with a meeting held with the production manager Mr. Hassan Al Sheikh who enriched the students’ knowledge with his observations and expertise. Under his supervision, students of USAL had the opportunity to experience voice-over during which Mr. Al Sheikh provided them with his feedback on their performance.
Students closely experienced in reality what they previously learned in the university classes, and they appreciated the attention, welcoming and the rush of knowledge they received from the staff of Al Nour radio station during this visit.
Students of Radio and TV Pre-Production at USAL visited Al Nour radio station under the supervision of their teacher Dr. Leila Shamsedine.
The students had a meeting with the general program director Hanan Husseini, during which they learned about Al Nour radio station, the different types of programs at the radio, in addition to the various information they received on the profession of pre-production and the challenges faced in the field of radio in the digital era.
In few hours, students were able to benefit greatly from the expertise of casters, directors, managers and staff of Al Nour radio. During this visit, students were introduced to the mechanisms of radio broadcasting on the digital media platforms, by Al Nour radio website administrator, Mr. Hadi Abdul Ghaffar, who also introduced students to the different sections at the radio, and gave then the chance to experience a live broadcast.
The visit was concluded with a meeting held with the production manager Mr. Hassan Al Sheikh who enriched the students’ knowledge with his observations and expertise. Under his supervision, students of USAL had the opportunity to experience voice-over during which Mr. Al Sheikh provided them with his feedback on their performance.
Students closely experienced in reality what they previously learned in the university classes, and they appreciated the attention, welcoming and the rush of knowledge they received from the staff of Al Nour radio station during this visit.