Agreement of joint scientific and cultural cooperation between the University of Sciences and Arts in Lebanon (USAL) and Al-Kut University College of Iraq.
- Posted by USAL
- Date April 22, 2022
The University of Science & Arts in Lebanon (USAL) and the Al-Kut University College of (Iraq) have signed an “agreement of understanding and cooperation”, in the presence of the university’s deans, representatives from Al-Mabarrat Association, and the member of the Higher Education Council Dr. Hani Haidora.
The agreement was signed by USAL president Dr. Muhammad Rida Fadlallah, and the chairman of the board of directors of Al- Kut University College, Dr. Talib Al-Moussawi.
The agreement states on the cooperative terms between the two parties, most notably: conducting joint research, exchanging experiences, strengthening cooperation with research and production institutions for training and planning, establishing student exchange programs, in addition to exchanging books, publications, scientific periodicals and research results in scientific fields, and holding joint conferences, seminars, and professors’ fellowships.
Finally, the attendees assured that this agreement is a positive and effective step in terms of academic and cultural cooperation between the two universities.
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