Ali Ezzeddine
- Introduction to programming, Java
- Time series analysis
- Machine learning
- Natural language processing with machine learning
- Advanced Programming, Python
Research Topics:
- Learning from demonstrations
- Inverse reinforcement learning
- Transformers for Language Modeling and NLP tasks
- Natural language processing techniques
Selected publications:
- Ezzeddine, A., Mourad, N., Araabi, B.N. and Ahmadabadi, M.N., 2018. Combination of learning from non-optimal demonstrations and feedbacks using inverse reinforcement learning and Bayesian policy improvement. Expert Systems with Applications, 112, pp.331-341.
- Mourad, N., Ezzeddine, A., Nadjar Araabi, B. and Nili Ahmadabadi, M., 2020. Learning from demonstrations and human evaluative feedbacks: Handling sparsity and imperfection using inverse reinforcement learning approach. Journal of Robotics, 2020.
Ali Ezzeddine received a Computer Science Diploma from the Lebanese University, Beirut, in 2007, the M.S. degree in Informatics and telecommunications – Cooperation between the Lebanese University, Lebanon and Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France in 2009, and the Ph.D. degree in in Computer Engineering, Machine intelligence and robotics University of Tehran, Iran. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the University of Sciences and Arts in Lebanon (USAL). His research interests are in Learning from demonstrations and human feedbacks, Transformers for Language Modeling and NLP tasks: Text classification, entity extraction, etc. and Natural language processing techniques.
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