In light of the accelerating technological development, internet has stormed through our personal lives and working environment, taking into consideration that the media profession has always been flexible and evolving. There has been an imperative need to keep up with the current development in our world, and to find a specialty that preserves the fundamentals of media generally. There is a need to integrate these technological developments that changed the outlines of media and imposed new contemporary forms of news, reports, and others.
The specialty of Electronic Media came to combine originality with modernity in the profession of journalism, racing against time and crossing barriers. It is an area for exhibiting talents, individuality and creativity.
Electronic Media aims at developing a conscious generation that is able to handle contemporary tools of media through educational courses which are equally based on both practical and theoretical curricula. It is a specialty that prepares students to enter the labor market in the fields of media and technology.
- Be proficient in specialized writing for electronic media and relevant platforms.
- Have a good command in handling electronic media tools (technological and social media platform tools).
- Acquire creative skills through practical application in laboratories.
- Acquire analytic skills to understand the reality about electronic media and its work environment.
- Acquire digital skills (Photography, Videography and Digital Design).
- Acquire communication skills and instill creativity in students.
- Acquire skills for digital data analysis.
- Be introduced to the history, reality and future of electronic media.
- Have the ability to understand and use modern applications and programs.
Be prepared to enter the labor market after gaining a number of skills and cognitive and scientific
In spite of the modernity of this specialty, it was included in the faculties of media. It is one of the most requested specialties in the fields of work. A graduate of Electronic Media shall be able to work as a:
- Specialized writer in the field of electronic media stories and social media platforms.
- Developer of comic books.
- Specialized developer of designs for electronic media.
- Multimedia journalist (writing, photography and designing).
- Analyst of social media platform standards.
- Press attaché for an institution.
- Specialist in social media platforms.
- Head or manager of digital production.
- Specialist in electronic marketing.
- Beginner specialist in electronic programs and modern applications.
The minimum period for this study is six semesters distributed over three years. The student must achieve successfully 95 credits as follows:
Core Courses | 42 credits |
Concentration Courses | 29 credits |
Elective courses | 12 credits |
University Requirements | 12 credits |
Core Courses (42 Credits):
# | Course Code | Course Name | No. of Credits | Course Objectives |
1 | COMM210 | Journalistic Writing | 3 Credits | This course aims at introducing the student to the principles of journalistic writing, and the types and genres adopted by print media. This is an introduction for the student to comprehend the basics of developing journalistic reports and articles from source to publication in the newspaper. |
2 | COMM211 | Introduction to Mass Communication | 3 Credits | In this course, the student is introduced to the context and reality of communication in order to promote his understanding of the communication process between the sender and the receiver, distinguish the different types of verbal and nonverbal expression, analyze the elements of the communication process and identify the factors that contribute to its success. This also allows the student to specify how it is manifested among the public opinion while defining the relation between the Media and the audience. |
3 | COMM212 | Media Theories | 3 Credits | The objective of this course is to acquaint the student with the basic media theories in the field of communication sciences, in addition to their principles and the means of their employment in media productions. It also introduces students to the most important research works of researchers who developed these theories and recent developments in media and media tools. That is achieved by reviewing, studying and analyzing practical models. |
4 | COMM213 | Interpersonal communication | 3 Credits | This course aims at strengthening the student’s expression skills of a concept, an idea or a state in front of the audience, and communication at its best using voice, body language and other expression tools, overcoming all difficulties through practical exercises. |
5 | COMM310 | News reporting | 3 Credits | In this course, the student is trained to write news reports for written press, and prepared to achieve a reportage that meets the professional requirements adopted in the field of media. |
6 | COMM311 | Visual Semiotics | 2 Credits | This course aims at enabling the student to analyze an image, understand the underlying meaning and observe it from different angles in order to read the image in an advanced manner. The student shall thus be able to dive between its different dimensions and interpret its content in accordance with the different schools. |
7 | COMM312 | Introduction to Public Relations and Advertising | 3 Credits | In this course, the student is introduced to the scientific principles of the concept of advertising and public relations, the different means of influence and measurement of public opinion. It also aims at introducing him to the basics and tools available for employees in the field of public relations and advertising, and acquainting him with the concept of relations in modern institutions and its relationship to society and media. |
8 | COMM313 | Media Psychology | 3 Credits | This course aims at linking media to theories of crowd psychology. The student studies the concept of personality, the concept of vocational guidance in Media, the types of training programs in the field of Media, the group in Media and its impact on the individual, the psychology of Media communication, the effect of work pressure and psychological combustion in Media work and the art of successful Media intercommunication. |
9 | COMM314 | Introduction to Electronic Media | 3 Credits | This course aims at providing the student with a general view into the electronic Media, thus enabling him to formulate the principles and skills of working in the field of digital media in relevance to its two dimensions, current and future. The student studies the principles of work, content writing in electronic media, how this science develops, in addition to its relation to other types of media. |
10 | COMM315 | Media, Ethics and Responsibility | 3 Credits | This course aims at introducing the student to the duties of a journalist, his ethical responsibilities in dealing with any information and how it is transferred to the public opinion, in addition to the basics and rules of publishing which define what is legitimate in journalism. |
11 | COMM316 | Internship | 4 Credits | In this course, the student is provided with the field expertise, technical skills and personal traits necessary for commencing work in this field of specialty. That is achieved through spending specific time in institutions of deep-rooted experiences. |
12 | COMM317 | Media systems and communication policies | 3 Credits | This course aims at enabling the student to define the relationship between the different media systems and the actual practices of media in these systems, added to providing him with the ability to distinguish between them, to harmonize the media system with the political system and deduct their pros and cons. The student shall be able to monitor and evaluate the role of media in current conflicts and crises. |
13 | COMM411 | Research methods in media studies | 3 Credits | This course aims at broadening the student’s intellectual and research horizon by representing the necessary knowledge, skills and orientations of a logical and sound scientific thinking, using scientific means, tools and techniques, leading to scientific conclusions and employing all that is mentioned above in journalism work needed by the student. |
14 | COMM412 | Management of media organizations | 3 Credits | This course aims at enabling the student to handle the contents of media as a product subjected to the rules of the media market. The student studies the relation between the media product and the administrative processes and functions, i.e. planning, organization, directing, censorship and motivation. Thus, he acquires administrative skills in handling the media content to enable him to manage media work successfully. |
Concentration Courses (29 Credits):
# | Course Code | Course Name | No. of Credits | Course Objectives |
1 | CODM310 | Media Studio | 3 Credits | This course aims at tackling issues related to electronic media by communicating with specialists and experienced persons in this field, inviting them to the university or meeting them outside the campus, during which the student applies the techniques he learned in Electronic Media major. |
2 | CODM314 | Digital Media and E-journalism | 4 Credits | This course aims at introducing the student to the work of the various platforms of digital media. It also instils and promotes critical thinking towards digital media, its use and the resulting culture. The course introduces the student to the relevant journalistic principles and techniques. |
3 | CODM410 | Television and Digital Media production | 3 Credits | In this course, the student shall learn the basics and rules of production for visual and digital works, and produce it in light of learning how to use digital cameras, lighting, video editing and finally producing a video that is able to deliver certain messages. |
4 | CODM411 | Digital Design | 3 Credits | This course aims at teaching the student specific techniques allowing him to deliver his thoughts by using pictures. It also helps him develop his visual language by planning and implementing various tasks related to the creation of designs and digital graphic drawings, using scanning and programs for digitizing pictures and promoting his ability to produce graphic designs starting from the concept and ending by implementation with the help of related programs and applications. |
5 | CODM412 | Web Design | 3 Credits | In this course, the student is introduced to the principles of web designing, the uses of HTML, activating links, web designs and graphics, in addition to database. The course also introduces the student to the JavaScript system through practical application using modern computer programs. |
6 | CODM413 | Journalism Graphic Design | 3 Credits | This course aims at introducing the student to the principles, rules, shapes and colors of graphic designs and teaches him how to gather information and employ them for the interest of graphic designing for print and electronic journalism. It also enables him to write pictorial texts and use them on the internet and the various digital platforms by employing appropriate software. |
7 | CODM414 | Writing for Digital Media | 3 Credits | The main objective of this course is to instill in students the ability to understand work in the field of electronic media in Lebanon and worldwide. It also helps them understand techniques of production, publishing news on the internet and matching between news stories and electronic platforms. |
8 | CODM415 | Digital Marketing Strategy | 3 Credits | This course aims at introducing the student to the advertising strategies and methods through websites, after studying the fundamental concepts of electronic trading, in addition to the techniques of employing internet for the purpose of media marketing and advertisement designs on the internet. |
9 | CODM416 | Citizen Journalism and Social Media | 4 Credits | This course aims at enabling the student to understand the mechanisms upon which social media platforms are based and their impact on the society. It also enables him to distinguish between real and unreal news by differentiating between pages of media institutions and those of individual persons. The student will be introduced to the consequent ethical and legal responsibilities of the producers of content which is relevant to citizen journalism. This course shall enhance the student’s skills of using social media tool such as blogs, Twitter and YouTube. |
10 | CODM490 | Final Project | 1 Credits | This course aims at enhancing the student’s skills by conducting a project that houses all the elements they studied in courses of electronic media. The student shall plan for the project and carry it out executing all the steps, and finally present and discuss it in front of a committee of specialists in the Major of Electronic Media. |
Elective Courses (12 Credits):
# | Course Code | Course Name | No. of Credits | Objectives |
1 | COMM201 | Montage | 3 Credits | This course aims at enabling students to use editing software for producing videos. Students shall employ skills learned in this course to perform required projects in other courses. |
2 | COMM200 | Photography | 3 Credits | This course enhances students’ skills in photography and videography after being introduced to photography theoretically. Students acquire the skills of photography, processing and editing videos, focusing on photographs for newspapers and television, and filming and editing news videos. |
3 | GR201 | Current Events | 3 Credits | This course aims at explaining the correlation and interaction between the role of media and current issues, tackling different fields from a scientific approach, through studying some media related scientific researches, and familiarize with global, Arabic and local examples, and hosting specialists and experts in the field to learn their points of view and discuss them. |
4 | COMM206 | Video Production | 3 Credits | This course aims at enhancing students’ skills in video production in accordance with scientific and technical standards by teaching them how to build scenes, mastering all steps of the filming process, and apply all what they have learned in the editing course to reach results that are compatible with scientific standards consistent with the labor market. |
General University Requirement Courses (12 Credits):
# | Course Code | Course Name | No. of Credits | Objectives |
1 | ENGL201 | English Communication Skills I | 3 Credits | This course aims at enhancing students’ knowledge and skills in English language in relevance to understanding, listening and reading, in addition to comprehending terminology specified to levels exceeding average. Students learn grammar through extensive exercises. The course also aims at reinforcing students’ skills in communication, oral presentations and writing five types of articles.
2 | ENGL202 | English Communication Skills II | 3 Credits | In this course, students’ skills in communication are enhanced through exercising debates, discussions and oral presentations in English. The course aims at strengthening students’ abilities in reading, and introduces them to a wide spectrum of advanced terminology related to media, advancing their aural apprehension and their thoughts using English language. It also reinforces students’ abilities in writing articles and reports. |
3 | ARAB201 | Arabic Communication Skills | 3 Credits | This course aims at improving students’ knowledge and skills related to communication in Arabic language in the following fields: Grammar (parts of speech), principles of writing (rules of writing), writing activities (conditions of writing, letter writing, event speeches, report writing) and using Arabic dictionaries (definition of a dictionary, types of dictionaries, how to detect a word in dictionaries and texts). |
4 | ARAB202 | Arabic Communication Skills II | 3 Credits | This course aims at enhancing students’ skills in Arabic communication relevant to media work in writings, critiques and analyzing contents of texts and scenes. This is achieved through studying phonetics, eloquence of Arabic language, semantics, literary appreciation skills and arts of writing. |
- Obtaining official Lebanese BACC II degree or any equivalent document.
- Conducting a placement test in Arabic Language and one of two foreign languages (English or French).
- Passing the academic orientation stage that determines the suitability of a student’s abilities and qualifications in accordance with the field of study.