What is Teaching Science and Mathematics Major?

Science and Mathematics are the bedrock of intellection for any student. Giving the practical consideration to these two subjects contributes to the development of the mental skills of learners in basic education. This specialty includes two curricula: science (chemistry, physics and biology) and mathematics (Algebra and Geometry), which are taught by adopting a holistic and integrative approach in teaching Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 students, with the employment of different means for teaching science and mathematics and promote students’ scientific and mathematical skills through scientific and discovery methods of learning.

Expected outcomes

Students in this concentration acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and trends a teacher of science and mathematics must have.

By the end of their studies, graduates shall be able to:

  • Master scientific facts and concepts included in science and mathematics, and follow up with new trends in both curricula.
  • Invest the different aspects and levels of educational objectives to teach science and mathematics to the desired educational stage they wish to teach.
  • Objectively analyze and implement lesson plans for science and mathematics.
  • Plan for the educational unit and educational class, taking into consideration all necessary elements (activities and educational means) in accordance with the objectives of the subject.
  • Design educational activities in science in order to contribute to the basic and integrated science processes in students.
  • Use learning strategies in different aspects (collaborative and participatory learning – problem solving – problem resolving – inquiry and discovery based learning – project-based learning – lab-based learning).
  • Differentiate between the knowledge of science (Biology – Physics – Chemistry) and the knowledge of mathematics (Algebra – Geometry), discover the characteristics of each and learn how to implement these as an educational-learning unit.
  • Define all aspects of correlation and integration between the contents of science and mathematics lessons and other subjects to benefit from them in teaching science and mathematics.
  • Use different evaluation tools to detect the extent of understanding and comprehension of the learner for the purpose of providing feedback.
  • Detect conceptual errors in students, and suggest strategies to alter or correct them.
  • Interpret students’ test results, and suggest suitable solutions for weaknesses in learning science and mathematics.
  • Own scientific thinking skills in problem solving, in addition to logical and creative thinking skills.

Fields of work

Teaching Science and Mathematics concentration qualifies graduates to teach science and mathematics in both public and private schools for Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 classes of basic education.

Major Requirements

The program was designed in accordance with a comprehensive academic plan based on both theoretical and practical levels. It includes courses of 97 credits distributed over 6 semesters (fall and spring) in each academic year. These are:

University Requirements 12 Credits
Core Courses 42 Credits
Concentration Courses 31 Credits
General Elective Courses 6 Credits
Specific Elective Courses 6 Credits
Total Number of Credits 97 Credits


Study program and Credits

University Requirements (12 Credits)

Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit Hours
ENGL 201 English Communication Skills I 3 credits
ENGL 202 English Communication Skills II ENGL 201 3 credits
ARAB 201 Arabic Communication Skills I 3 credits
ARAB 202 Arabic Communication Skills II ARAB 201 3 credits


Core Courses (42 Credits)

Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit Hours
EDUC 210 Psychology of Development 3 credits
EDUC 211 Health Education 3 credits
EDUC 212 Theories of Learning 3 credits
EDUC 310 Introduction to Educational Sociology 3 credits
EDUC 311 Action Research 3 credits
EDUC 312 Instructional Procedures EDUC212 EDUC315 3 credits
EDUC 313 Learning Difficulties 3 credits
EDUC 314 Citizenship Education 3 credits
EDUC 315 Measurement and Classroom evaluation EDUC212 3 credits
EDUC 316 Educational Technology I 3 credits
EDUC 317 Statistics in Education EDUC311 3 credits
EDUC 416 Educational Technology II EDUC316 3 credits
EDUC 490 Practicum I 3 credits
EDUC 491 Practicum II EDUC 490 3 credits


Concentration Courses (31 Credits)

Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit Hours
EDMS 318 Mathematics I 3 credits
EDMS 418 Mathematics II EDMS 318 3 credits
EDMS 420 Mathematics III EDMS 418 3 credits
EDMS 319 Science I


3 credits
EDMS 419 Science II


3 credits
EDMS 421 Science III


3 credits
EDMS 422 Methods of Teaching Mathematics I EDMS 318

EDMS 418

3 credits
EDMS 423 Methods of Teaching Mathematics II EDMS 422 3 credits
EDMS 424 Methods of Teaching Science I EDMS 319

EDMS 419

3 credits
EDMS 425 Methods of Teaching Science II EDMS 424 3 credits
EDMS 491 Project 70 credits

EDUC 311

EDUC 317

EDUC 490

1 credit


  • Obtaining official Lebanese BACC II degree or any equivalent document.
  • Conducting a placement test in Arabic Language and one of two foreign languages (English or French).
  • Passing an entrance exam in science (Chemistry – Physics – Biology) and an exam in mathematics.
  • Passing the academic orientation stage that determines the suitability of a student’s abilities and qualifications in accordance with the field of study.